Thursday, 24 March 2011


So as usual I become lazy when things aren't going according to plan and don't bother to write a blog..... So I thought I better update, as I can't just rely on others to keep Runners Blogs going.

The last 8 weeks have been pretty bad running wise. Although I have managed to do some running it has all been whilst battling injuries and so has been pretty rubbish with no sessions or tempo's, barely a run over an hour, and 2 DNF's in races I shouldn't have even been on the start line for. I dropped out of BUCS, with an issue with my shin. I shouldn't have been on the start line but just really wanted to run for Lufbra in a BUCS competition, especially as it was my first and last BUCS XC. I was also in the A team, which was pretty good, but in the end it was all to no avail as I dropped out and just felt like I had let everyone down.

This really got to me for a good few days, but I managed to get patched up by Mark Buckingham and flew to Ireland to run the Armagh 5k. This is a fantastic event and I spent a great few days over there. I got round and ran a PB of 15.07, not what I wanted by any means but considering the circumstances I have to take it.....

Post Armagh I have struggled with back, hip and IT band issues and so haven't done any proper training. I tried to do the Inter-Counties anyway and again dropped out. It was at this point I realised this couldn't continue, and so I took a week off and got massage on my IT band every day. As you can imagine it was heavily bruised. I have to thank Stephen Bennett for helping to sort me out. I also saw Cat Riley who put my SI joint back in place (again) and loosed off my hip area. Since this I have managed to run every day and see and improvement day on day. Long may this continue. I even jogged round a leg of the Northern 12 stage for Blackburn on Sunday, maintaining our position and bringing home the bacon in 9th place! This was solid enough (about what we expected) and we all had a great day out!

Hopefully training can continue to follow the upwards trend it is currently on, and I can be back in full training in 10 days time when I head off to Portugal.

Finally I just thought I would touch upon my awful day..... I had a hydrodensitometry weighing done today, which is where you are weighed under water. An endurance athlete should come out at about 6-8% body fat but I came out as 16%, so naturally I was devastated!!!!! Seems there's a lot of work to do on that front! Part of me thinks I should adopt the Adam Goucher approach and just not eat lunch..... There’s some food for thought (pun intended).

Pete x